Friday, September 30, 2005


Thai-Go [Vital Nutrition, Immune] is a blend of the most healthful fruits and nutritional supplements from all over the world. Thai-Go is replete with xanthones, bioflavonoids and powerful antioxidants. Bioflavonoids give fruits and vegetables their bright colors. In the body, bioflavonoids enhance vitamin C absorption and help maintain collagen and capillary walls. They also aid in the body’s immune–defense system.Antioxidants scavenge the free radicals that the body accumulates as a byproduct of energy production as well as through pollution, tobacco smoke, ultraviolet light and radiation. Antioxidants benefit virtually every organ and body system because they mop up damaging free radicals. Thai-Go delivers a punch of antioxidant protection with a very high ORAC value. Among Thai-Go’s key ingredients is mangosteen, a tasty fruit found in eastern tropical nations, such as Thailand. Mangosteen contains the greatest known supply of compounds called xanthones. Xanthones offer powerful immune and cardiovascular support. Other ingredients in this nutritious juice include wolfberry, sea buckthorn, red grapes, grape seeds, grape skins, raspberries, blueberries, apple extract and green tea.Take one ounce (2 tablespoons) twice daily.
• Enhances the immune system.
• Supports the cardiovascular system.
• Promotes energy.


At 1:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jack Ritchason was telling of this 87-year old NSP Area Manager that shocked her chiropractor and his office staff. She was taking a test with a laser that tells your antioxidant levels in the body. Jack had a reading of 29,000. Clinton Miller had a level of 42,000. This fine young lady was at 53,000. This was after she’d been taking Thai-Go for 6 weeks at one ounce per day. This was all that she had changed in her daily routine. By the way, anything above 40,000 is considered exceptional!!!

At 10:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

“My 19-year-old son feels more energetic after taking Thai-Go. He won’t even play basketball without taking it first. He says it makes him run faster and jump higher.”
---Kimberly Matteo, MO

At 9:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can’t sing the praises of Thai-Go enough. Just about every client that I see I put on Thai-Go. Everybody gets more energy when they take the Thai-Go.

One lady, who is in her upper 80’s, has diabetes, she has congestive heart failure and she has gout, just a lot of problems. Her feet were burning really bad and she couldn’t sleep. She was taking Tylenol and that wasn’t helping very much, so we started her on the Thai-Go. The very first night she took the Thai-Go, her feet stopped burning. So every night that is her nightly cocktail. When she takes the Thai-Go her feet did not burn.

I had another lady who is also in her 80s. She came to me after 5 years of sweating profusely, so much that she would have to change her nightgown in the middle of the night several times and she had no energy. I had half a bottle of Thai-Go in my office and I let her take it home. Three days later she called me and she wanted to buy the Thai-Go because she got lots of energy from it.

At 9:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’ve worn glasses since I was 10 years old. About 4 months ago I started taking Thai-Go every day. Within 3 months I couldn’t see to read with my glasses. I went to an ophthalmologist for testing. He said, "I’m writing you a new prescription." I was worried that the prescription had gotten worse. He said, "No, your glasses are way too strong.” They had improved a whole point in each eye!


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