Friday, October 07, 2005


HistaBlock [Respiratory] supports the body in times of respiratory stress. A powerful combination of stinging nettle, quercetin, bromelain and immature orange peel (which contains synephrine), HistaBlock provides nutritional support for the respiratory system. This formula provides antioxidants and supports the body’s efforts to maintain mucous membrane health and nasal passage tissues.
Take 2 capsules with a meal twice daily.
• Provides nutrients that support the respiratory system in its battle against allergens, pollutants and toxins.
• Provides antioxidant strength to help stabilize mast cells.
• Supports the body’s efforts to control inflammation and swelling of mucous membranes.


At 5:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Karen M. was afflicted by ragweed allergy to the point she said, "When the farmers come in the building I KNOW if they've been in the field before they get across the room!!"

The Hista-block has made this difference in her life:

"Now I have to ask them, have you been working outside today? And it shocks me when they sometimes say 'yes' because my eyes and sinuses are fine!"

At 10:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Severe sinus infection due to an allergy:
“My sinuses were completely blocked. I was not able to blow my nose due to the swelling. My eyes itched, burned, and watered terribly. I had extreme swelling in my eyes. I had taken Zyrtec as prescribed by an emergency room doctor. I also had tried Afrin nasal spray. My sinuses had been blocked up for over four months and nothing had helped.”

Jeannie began using HistaBlock and Allergy Homeopathic remedy. “Within 24 hours I could feel relief. For the first time in four months I was able to blow my nose and have results of a discharge. For days I was blowing out a thick mucus that had been blocked up for so long.”


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